Signs of love in cats vary between physical contact and various movements and gestures.
The cat breeder always asks how do I know that my cat loves me, because any cat breeder always likes to see these beautiful animals in the best condition, and provides them with all the care and attention they need, but because they are creatures that do not speak, we always wonder how we know the signs of love when Cats that signify our cats reciprocate the love and attention, we give them.
Therefore, we present to you the most prominent signs of love in cats, which indicate the cat’s love for you.
How do I know if my cat loves me? Signs of love in cats
The first sign that the cat makes physical contact with you
Cats express their love by physical contact and friction with the person or thing they love.
But why do cats do this? Cats are always interested in smell and distinguish smells greatly, so when the cat rubs and comes in contact with anything, it leaves its scent in it as if it is declaring that this part or that this person is a private property to it.
Therefore, your cat’s contact with you means that she loves you and considers you a part of her and her private property.
The second sign that the cat brings you gifts
You may consider this to be a joke, but the cat periodically brings gifts to the ones it loves.
It may have happened before but you didn’t notice. Has your cat hunted a mouse or a bird before? Cats, if they love someone, they hunt and bring their catch to that person.
Cats have a hunting instinct, so they always chase anything that moves, and if the cat catches a mouse or a bird or kidnaps something that the cat thinks is valuable, then it goes directly to the closest people to it.
The third sign: making a distinctive purring sound (cats purring)
New cat breeders are often bothered by the sudden purring of cats. Many cat breeders know that cats sometimes jump and sit on your chest or on your feet and relax and start making a distinctive purring sound from their throat and chest.
Sometimes the voice is so loud that some start to worry and think that the cat will attack him.
But the truth is that this purring that the cat does is one of the great signs of love and an indication of the cat’s reassurance with its owner.
Fourth sign: The cat is sitting on your feet or somewhere in front of you
Cats love to feel comfortable in their relaxation periods, and one of the signs of love in cats is to consider that you are one of the comfortable places for them to sit and sleep.
How many times have you woken up and found your cat sleeping next to you or lying on your chest? This is one of the great signs of love.
Cats also look at those they love for long periods of time and watch them in silence, so you may find your cat in a state of intense focus with you in all your movements, this indicates that she loves you and always wants to stay with you.
The fifth sign: Cats eye contact is the biggest sign of love
Have you noticed that your cat stares at you for long periods of time and then slowly and quietly closes and opens its eyes while looking at you?
Closing eyes in cats while they look at you means that they give you kisses that indicate love! So, when you see your cat closing and opening its eyes while looking at you, this means that it sends you a kiss and expresses its love and affection for you.
These were in detail the signs of love in cats, and for those who are wondering how I know that my cat loves me, we summarize for him these movements that cats do:
- The physical contact of a cat with you indicates love
- Staring for long periods of time indicates that your cat loves you
- Close eyes and open them slowly in the language of cats to indicate giving kisses
- Doing the sound of cats purring indicates love and great reassurance
- Bringing her gifts for you, such as bringing you something that she caught, or that the cat brings you her new children after birth to take care of them indicates that you are special to her.