Often times you notice that your dog feels your psychological state, but is this real? Do dogs feel their owner? Or is it just untrue observations.
Many people swear that their dogs can sense things before they happen, or sense environmental changes that humans can’t see.
What looks like intuition to us is often due to a dog’s exceptional ability to sense smell, but dogs can also read our faces and body language which helps them detect changes in mood?
Do dogs feel their owner? 5 things your dog senses early!
Here are five surprising things a dog can sense, from incoming storms to serious illnesses:
1- Dogs can sense your mood
Dogs can amazingly read the body language of their owners.
They can use visual cues to tell whether we are happy or depressed.
They have evolved to read our feelings because they depend on a close emotional relationship with humans to survive.
Dogs also want to know if we are upset or if we are in a good mood.
If we are in a good mood, dogs are more likely to interact with us in search of food or attention.
But if we look angry or aggressive, it’s a warning sign to stay away.
Dogs may also sense our elevated stress levels by smelling sweat.
However, he believes that they mainly read our mood by noticing body language and facial expressions.
2- Dogs can feel pregnant
Dogs may be able to sense that a woman is pregnant – or at least in the sense that something big has changed in her body – by smelling any change in hormone levels in her body.
Apart from smell, dogs may also sense changes in a woman’s lifestyle, pregnant woman and her family adjusting their daily schedule or rearranging their homes.
This will certainly trigger a reaction in dogs, as they tend to stick to a regular routine.
3- Dogs can predict health problems for their owners
Some dogs can be trained to be able to detect episodes of disease and thus alert humans to their oncoming.
In a 2015 study published in the journal Diabetes Therapy, dogs were able to identify hypoglycemia by inhaling human skin and breath samples.
Epileptic fits are a big mystery, as there is no known smell associated with this type of seizure.
4 misconceptions about dogs
However, dogs that detect seizures respond to the elevated stress levels and subtle behavioral changes that can precede an epileptic seizure.
What her dog does is pick up signs of stress so if she goes out and breathes fresh air, then she will get rid of the tension and not have a seizure, so, the dog does not detect any specific smell associated with epilepsy, but in fact it detects stress through body language.
4- Dogs can sense storms

How many times have you noticed your dog whining, running, and generally freaking out, and after an hour, you hear a thunderstorm.
The ability of dogs to predict upcoming storms is a well-documented phenomenon. Scientists have a few different theories about dogs’ ability to predict weather forecasts.
Dogs can perceive low atmospheric pressure, and they may also detect high levels of humidity and changes in ozone concentration.
Scientists also believe that dogs can sense changes in static electricity levels in the atmosphere before a thunderstorm strikes.
In one study, scientists divided dogs into two groups, and equipped the first group with anti-static jackets, while leaving the other group without any jackets.
Although only 28 dogs took part in the study and it was not conclusive, 70% of dogs in the jacket group showed a reduction in panic behavior before thunderstorms compared to only 30% of dogs in the placebo group.
5- Dogs may be able to smell cancer
Dogs have incredible olfactory capabilities, some of which are even capable of alerting medical personnel and researchers to various forms of cancer.
In a 2013 study in the journal BMC Cancer, dogs were able to identify patients with ovarian cancer by inhaling chemical compounds in their blood.
They can also be trained to diagnose lung and breast cancer by smelling a patient’s breath.
According to a 2006 study, normal domestic dogs trained in only basic behaviors were trained to accurately distinguish breath samples from lung and breast cancer patients.
It has also been shown that dogs can detect skin cancer and bladder cancer.
However, while the research surrounding dogs and their detection of cancer is promising, dogs cannot detect cancer with 100% accuracy, so we can’t replace medical testing with dogs just yet.
So that was all about the 5 things your dog senses early! topic ! What did you think? Let us know over on our Facebook page!
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